Saturday, July 31, 2021


Derived from Novena to St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556)
By Fr Errol Fernandez, SJ
In A Jesuit's Blog

Day 1

OPENING PRAYER: Lord, teach us to be generous. Teach us to love you and serve you as you deserve. To give and not to count the cost; to fight and not to heed the wounds; to toil and not to seek for rest; to labour and not to look for reward, save that of knowing that we do your most holy will.

DEEP PERSONAL LOVE FOR GOD: One quality that characterized the life of St. Ignatius above all others was his deep personal life for God. Ignatius was so taken up with God that he was willing to do anything. Go anywhere, and be anyone as long as he could be at the service of God. For him God's will was primary and took precedence over everything else.

PRAYER: Father in heaven; give us today the same grace that Ignatius received - to know you intimately - to love you more dearly - and to follow your will more closely. Help us to reveal you as UNCONDITIONAL LOVE in all we say and all we do.

CONTEMPLATION IN ACTION: While Ignatius recommends setting aside time for prayer and communion with the Lord, in his personal life, prayer was never separated from action. There was a constant interplay between experience, reflection, decision and action, in line with the ideal of being a contemplative in action like Jesus himself was.

PRAYER: God our Lord, help us to realize the importance of prayer in our lives. May prayer be our first and last recourse. Let our prayer be such that it will strengthen us and lead us to affirmative action. This we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

LISTENING TO AND WAITING FOR GOD: Though Ignatius was in constant and close touch with God, he never presumed to tell God what to do. Rather, like an attentive student before his Master, he was always
listening and discerning what God wanted him to do.

PRAYER: Lord, sometimes we get impatient and want today's answers yesterday and tomorrow's answers today. You ask us to be patient, because our ways are not your ways and our time is not your time. Gift us with patience and the ability to listen to your voice. This we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

CLOSING PRAYER: Take Lord, receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, my entire will. You have given them to me, to you I return them. Give me only your love and your grace that is enough for me

Day 2

OPENING PRAYER: Lord, teach us to be generous. Teach us to love you and serve you as you deserve. To give and not to count the cost; to fight and not to heed the wounds; to toil and not to seek for rest; to labour and not to look for reward, save that of knowing that we do your most holy will.

THE EUCHARIST, THE SOURCE OF LIFE : St. lgnatius was often moved to tears when he celebrated the Eucharist as he contemplated the great mystery of God's love. This celebration was for him the primary source of strength. The Eucharist was not merely a ritual but a Sacrament in and through which he experienced the tangible love of the Trinity.

PRAYER: Triune God, Father, Son and Spirit we pray that the unity that you share may be the same unity that we feel. Give us all the grace to know that we are all parts of one body, the Body of Christ. May our concern for others be genuine and our love for the poor tangible. This we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

IN SOLIDARITY WITH THOSE MOST IN NEED: One of the most painful experiences of this year was the COVID-19 pandemic. While every one of us was affected in some way or other, the poor were affected the most. They were tossed to and fro not only by the pandemic but even by those in power. To be sure, we are all in the same storm of the pandemic, but we are in different boats. Will we make place for the poor in our sturdy and safe boats?

PRAYER: God of the poor and marginalised, Mary and Joseph were refugees themselves when they sought a place to bring their child into the world. Jesus was a ‘migrant’ who had “nowhere to lay his head.” We pray for those in authority all over the world that they be given the grace to open their hearts and minds to the reality of displacement and be generous with accommodating as many as possible. This we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

CARE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: "Laudato Si" has made us aware that our mother earth is very much in need of healing. Each one of us is as responsible as the other for the care of our world. There is too much of waste all around us and we are as responsible for it as anyone. Let us resolve to use less of everything. It is amazing to note that if we reflect and try we can make-do with less than half the things that we normally use. This is true of water, soap, paper, electrivity, food, clothes and so many other things.

PRAYER: Father, Son and Spirit, when you first created our world, you wanted that all creation live in harmony. Our selfishness has resulted in abuse of our mother. Give us the grace to use what we need as true trustees of your gift of creation. We ask this of you our Triune God. Amen.

CLOSING PRAYER: Take Lord, receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, my entire will. You have given them to me, to you I return them. Give me only your love and your grace that is enough for me

Day 3

OPENING PRAYER: Lord, teach us to be generous. Teach us to love you and serve you as you deserve. To give and not to count the cost; to fight and not to heed the wounds; to toil and not to seek for rest; to labour and not to look for reward, save that of knowing that we do your most holy will.

IGNATIAN INDIFFERENCE: For Ignatius, indifference did not mean complacency or a laid back attitude. On the contrary, it was a means to reach the higher goal or the greater good, and so Ignatius would be indifferent to success or failure, riches or povertu, good health or sickness in order to achieve the greater good, which was always the greater glory of God.

PRAYER: We often get disappointed when things do not go our way.We sometimes give in to despair and lose hope. Gift us with the gift of Ignatian indifference so that we may be able to accept everything that happens to us as your will in our lives. Let us learn to be content in good times as in bad, in sickness and in nealth, all the days of our lives. Amen.

EVER SEARCHING FOR THE MAGIS: The entire Iife of St. lgnatius was a pilgrim search for the Magis, the ever greater glory of God, the verr-fuller service of men and womenn, the more universal good, the more effective apostolic means. The  Magis was  ot simply one among others in the list of qualities of St. Ignatius -- it permeated them all.

PRAYER: God of all creation, we often tend to let things slide and so become complacent and self-satisfied. We give in to the sin of mediocrity and are content with the status quo. We prefer the tried and tested ways and are afraid to try the new. We are afraid to make changes because of the fear of change. Give us the grace to strive always to make the good, better; the better, better still, and the better still, still better. This we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

Tomorrow, we will celebrate the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the Founder of the Society of Jesus or the Jesuits. For the last two days we have been praying that through his intercession we might obtain various graces to live more fully our own lives as individuals and as a community. Today, on the last day of the triduum, we make our own, the last meditation of the Spiritual Exercises which is titled The Contemplation to Obtain Love.

In this meditation we are encouraged to see and witness God working for us and for our good, indeed for the good of all creation. We are exhorted therefore to find God in all things and all things in God. It is easy to see God's hand when things go the way we want them to go, but when our plans go awry and our world in turned upside down, God is present in that situation as well.

CLOSING PRAYER: Take Lord, receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, my entire will. You have given them to me, to you I return them. Give me only your love and your grace that is enough for me

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Veni Creator Spiritus (with English Translation)

Veni, Creator Spiritus,
mentes tuorum visita,
imple superna gratia
quae tu creasti pectora.

Qui diceris Paraclitus,
altissimi donum Dei,
fons vivus, ignis, caritas,
et spiritalis unctio.

Tu, septiformis munere,
digitus paternae dexterae,
Tu rite promissum Patris,
sermone ditans guttura.

Accende lumen sensibus:
infunde amorem cordibus:
infirma nostri corporis
virtute firmans perpeti.

Hostem repellas longius,
pacemque dones protinus:
ductore sic te praevio
vitemus omne noxium.

Per te sciamus da Patrem,
noscamus atque Filium;
Teque utriusque Spiritum
credamus omni tempore.

Deo Patri sit gloria,
et Filio, qui a mortuis
surrexit, ac Paraclito,
in saeculorum saecula.

Plenary indulgence is granted, under usual conditions, if this is recited on January 1 or on Pentecost Day. On other days, a partial indulgence is granted.

English Translation:

Come, Holy Spirit, Creator blest,
and in our souls take up Thy rest;
come with Thy grace and heavenly aid
to fill the hearts which Thou hast made.

O comforter, to Thee we cry,
O heavenly gift of God Most High,
O fount of life and fire of love,
and sweet anointing from above.

Thou in Thy sevenfold gifts are known;
Thou, finger of God's hand we own;
Thou, promise of the Father, Thou
Who dost the tongue with power imbue.

Kindle our sense from above,
and make our hearts o'erflow with love;
with patience firm and virtue high
the weakness of our flesh supply.

Far from us drive the foe we dread,
and grant us Thy peace instead;
so shall we not, with Thee for guide,
turn from the path of life aside.

Oh, may Thy grace on us bestow
the Father and the Son to know;
and Thee, through endless times confessed,
of both the eternal Spirit blest.

Now to the Father and the Son,
Who rose from death, be glory given,
with Thou, O Holy Comforter,
henceforth by all in earth and heaven.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Panunton Dasalen so Rosaryo na Madivinon Panangasi (Chaplet of the Divine Mercy - Pangasinan)

Dasalen ed ordinaryon rosaryo

1. Say Tanday Krus
Diad ngaray Ama, tan Anak, tan Ispiritu Santo.  Amen.

2. Pangilukas (Optional)
“Inatey Kayo Jesus, balet say sobol na bilay so inmagos parad saray kakamarerwa, tan say dayat na panangasi so linmukas ed lapag a mundo. O Sobol na Bilay, ag natokor ya Madivinon Panangasi, laknaban Yo pay lapag a talba tan ipadawes Yo pay Inkasikayo a dili ed sikami.”

“O Dala tan Danum ya inmagos a nanlapud Puso nen Jesus a sobol na panangasi a parad sikami, manmamatalek ak ed Sikayo.” (3x)

3. Ama Mi
Ami mi, a walad tawen, nagalang so ngaran mo. Onsabiy panarian mo. Onorey linawam diad dalin onung ed tawen. Itdan Mo kamid agew aya na tinapay min inagew-agew. Tan paandien Mo ray utang mi, onung met ed panamaandi mid saray akautang ed sikami. Tan ag Mo kami iter ya onabuloy ed tukso. Ilaban Mo kami inged maoges.

4. Ave Maria
Ave Maria, napno kay grasya, say Katawan so walad sika. Bindita kad biin amin, tan binditoy bungay eges mon si Jesus. Santa Maria, Inay Dios, pikasi mo kamin managkasalanan, natan tan naani, no oras na ipatey mi. Amen.

5. Manisia Ak
Manisia ak ed sakey a Dios, Aman makapanyarin amin, managgaway tawen tan dalin. Tan amin a nanengneng tan ag nanengneng. Tan ed sakey a Jesu Criston Katawan, bogtong ya Anak na Dios. Tan  nianak ed Ama kasakbaya’y ami’y kaandoan. Dios manlalapud Dios, Liwawa manlalapud liwawa, tuan Dios a nanlapud tuan Dios, nianak, ag ginawa, kasubstansia na Ama. Lapud Sikato, ami’y agawa. A lapud sikatayon totoo tan lapud kilalaban tayo inmakseb nanlapud katawenan. Tan agawan laman lapud Ispiritu Santo, nanlapo ed Virgen Maria, tan nagmaliw a too. Nipasak met ed krus para’d sikatayo diad pakayari nen Pontio Pilato; nanirap tan niponpon, Tan inmolid bilay ed kumatlon agew, onung ed kasulatan, tan tinmokotok ed tawen, manyodyorong ed nikawana’y Ama. Tan onsabi lamet a magalang, ya mangokom ed saray mabilay tan inatey, a say panarian to so ag mangangga. Tan ed Ispiritu Santo, Katawan tan mangiiter na bilay; a manlalapud Ama tan Anak. A katekep na Ama tan Anak bansag a dadakmomoan tan pigagalang: a nansalita diad panamegley da ray propita. Tan say sakey, masanta, catolika tan apostolika ya Iglesia. Aakoen ko’y sakey a binyag ya onkana’d panamaandi ray kasalanan. Tan tatalaranan koy yoolid bilay na saray inaatey, tan say bilay na andon onsabi. Amen.

6. Maandon Ama
“Maandon Ama, ibagat ko ed Sikayo so Laman tan Dala, Ispiritu tan inka-Dios na inararo Yon Anak, ya Katawan min Jesukristo, ya pangipolang mi ed saray kasalanan mi tan kasalanan na amin ed intiron mundo.

7. Lapud say sankaermenan 
“Lapud say Sankaermenan ya Inpanirap Da, kasian Yo kami tan say intiron mundo. (10x)

8. Uliten so sakey grupo na 6 tan 7 (4x)

9. Pangikapot
“Dios ya Masanto, Dios ya Makapanyari, Masanton Maandon Dios, kasian Yo kami tan say intiron mundo. (3x) 

10. Pangisampot
V. Jesus Ari na Panangasi
R. Manmamatalek ak ed Sika.
V. Maria, Ina na Panangasi
R. Pikasi mo kami.
V. Santa Faustina
R. Pikasi mo kami.

11. Say Tanday Krus
Diad ngaray Ama, tan Anak, tan Ispiritu Santo.  Amen.

Friday, March 21, 2014

"Meet-the-Parents" Invocation (Pre-Baccalaureate Mass)

Meet-the-Parents Invocation

Ever-loving Father / we give you our praises and gratitude / as we celebrate this splendid day / with our parents / guardians / teachers / relatives and friends. // Thank You for giving us our parents, / who worked hard to give us the education / we need much these times / and who loved us all along. / Thank You for giving us our guardians, / who also nurtured us / and never failed to care for us. Thank You, Father, / for our teachers, / who, / in spite of our imperfections, / molded us, / prepared us, / and corrected us. / Thank you, too, for our relatives and friends, / who stayed with us / through tough / and trying times.

Dear Jesus, / through Your Passion, / You have taught us how to suffer. / And in suffering, / we share the Love / which Your Sacred Heart possesses, / though at times, / we fail to recognize its role / in fortification of our charity. / Through Your Death and Resurrection, / You have taught us, / amidst failures, / how to become victorious. / And in victory, / we share the joy / which Your Holy Gospel brings to the world. / We pray, / O our Jesus, / for Your mercy, / for all the times we have not made good use / of the talents and the faculties / You have given us.

O Holy Spirit, / our Lord, / it was Your own perseverance / that made us persevere, / and Your own strength / that made us strong. / You have comforted us / in times of trials and distress. / And You made us see the importance / of discipline and determination, / now more than ever.

We wish to love You, / O Holy Triune God. / We wish to offer You our lives / and what lies ahead of us. / We entrust to you ourselves, / our work and profession, / and our dealings with our fellow men. / May we sanctify what we do, / and see You in our everyday lives. / And now, / as we become baccalaureates, / take this Exit Walk through the Arch of the Centuries, / and face even greater challenges, / may we be witnesses to the world: / may we be mouths / to speak the Living Word of God to others, / be hands / to do the Work of God / wherever we may be in, / and be hearts / to impart the Christian virtues / we learned in this Catholic institution. / For all of these, / we ask for your grace and protection, / in the mighty Name of Jesus, / our Lord, / our God. / Amen.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit…

UST Faculty of Engineering
Meet-the-Parents Activity 
March 21, 2014

UST Quadricentennial Pavillion Covered Court

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Prayer to Saint Pedro Calungsod 2

Saint Pedro Calungsod, 
student, catechist, young migrant, 
missionary, faithful friend, martyr,
you inspire us
by your fidelity in times of adversity;
by your courage in teaching the faith
in the midst of hostility;
and by your love in shedding your blood
for the sake of the Gospel.
Make our troubles your own
and intercede for us
before the throne of Mercy and Grace
so that,
as we experience the help of heaven,
we may be encouraged to live
and proclaim the Gospel here on earth.


Taken from a pamphlet printed by the UST Center for Campus Ministry

Prayer to Saint Pedro Calungsod 1

O Saint* Pedro Calungsod, we call upon you who now enjoy the heavenly glory which you merited for following our Lord Jesus Christ along the way of the Cross. God has given you to us as a model of a true Christian; as a companion on our pilgrim way to the heavenly Kingdom; and as a helper in the midst of our difficulties. Make our troubles your own and intercede for us before the throne of Mercy and Grace so that like you we may also become fellow citizens of the saints there in heaven. Amen.

*originally, Blessed.

Taken from a pamphlet which was printed before the canonization of Saint Pedro Calungsod by the National Commission on the Canonization of Blessed Pedro Calungsod

Prayer to Saint Pedro Calungsod 2

Thursday, September 13, 2012




P: Diad ngaray Ama tan Anak tan Espiritu Santo.
K: Amen.
P: Say gracia na Katawan tayon Hesucristo, tan say aro na Dios, tan say pikakasakey na Espiritu Santo so wala komun ed sikayon amin.
K: Ontan met ed sika.


P: Agagik ira, pian niparaan tayoy inkasikatayo a manumpal na saray masantos a misterio, nunoten tayo ray kasalanan tayo.
(man-ulimek tan man-umameng)
A: Mankonfesar ak ed Dios a makapanyarin amin, tan diad sikayon agagik ta nankasalanan ak ed nunot ko, salitak, gawak tan liwat ko. (patokey pagew) Kanian mikasi ak ed Santa Marian lawas Virgen, amin day angeles tan sasantos tan diad sikayon agagik, ta pikasi yo ak ed Dios a Katawan tayo.

P: Kasian itayo komuy Dios a makapanyarin amin, paandien To ray kasalanan tayo, tan iyakar To itayod maandon bilay.
K: Amen.


P: Katawan, mangasi Ka.
K: Katawan, mangasi Ka.
P: Kristo, mangasi Ka.
K: Kristo, mangasi Ka.
P: Katawan, mangasi Ka.
K: Katawan, mangasi Ka.


A: Nagalang so Dios ed sankatageyan, tan diad dalin kareenan ed saray totoon maong ya inpanlinawa. Idayew mi Ka. Itandoro mi Ka. Dakmomoan mi Ka. Igalang mi Ka. Misalamat kamid Sika, lapud matalonan galang Mo. O Dios a Katawan, mangatatawen ya Ari, Dios Aman makapanyarin amin. O Jesukriston Katawan, bogbogtong ya Anak , O Dios a Katawan, Korderoy Dios, Anak na Ama, ya manamaandi kasalanay talba, kasian Mo kami. Sika ya manamaandi kasalanay talba, akom pa ray pikakasi mi. Sika a manyorong ed kawanay Ama, kasian Mo kami. Ta Sikan bokor so masanto, Sikan bokor so Katawan, Sikan bokor so sankatageyan, Hesucristo, a katekep Moy Espiritu Santo, ed galang na Dios Ama. Amen.

P: Mikasi tayo….
K: Amen.



L: Saya so salitay Katawan.
K: Salamat ed Dios.


L: Saya so salitay Katawan.
K: Salamat ed Dios.


P: Say Katawan so wala komun ed sikayo.
K: Ontan met ed Sika.
P: Babasaen ya inaon ed masanton Ibanghilyo onung ed...
K: Nagalang Ka Katawan. (+)
P: Saya so Ibanghilyo na Katawan.
K: Narayew Ka, Katawan a Jesukristo.



A: Manisia ak ed Dios a makapanyarin amin, manamalsay tawen tan dalin. Manisia ak ed Hesukriston Anak Ton bogtong, a Katawan tayo. Tinmoo ed gaway Espiritu Santo tan inyanak nen Virgen Maria. Inpapairap nen Poncio Pilato, inpasak ed Krus, inatey tan inkotkot. Inmakseb ed saray inatey. Diad komatlon agueo inmolin binmilay. Tinmokotok ed taoen tan manyorong ed kawanay Ama. Onla dia lamet a mangokom ed saray mabilay tan inatey. Manisia ak ed Espiritu Santo. Sisiaen ko met so Santa Iglesia Katolika, say pannanabangan day sasantos, say panamaandiy kasalanan, say kiolid bilay na laman, tan say bilay ya ag naandi. Amen.




P: Nagalang Ka, Katawan…………. pian mgamaliw ed sikami a tinapay na bilay.
K: Nagalang so Dios ed ando lan ando.
P: Nagalang Ka, Katawan…. ….pian magmaliw ya inumen ya onkanad kamarerua mi.
K: Nagalang so Dios ed ando lan ando.

P: Mikasi tayo, agagik, pian sayan bagat tayo et onkanan akoen na Dios Aman makapanyarin amin.
K: Akoen komun na Katawan so bagat a manlapud saray limam a pangirayew tan pangigalang ed ngaran To, yo onkana met ed kaabigan tayo, tan kaabigan na lapag ya Iglesia To.


P: … ……….nen Jesukriston Katawan tayo.
K: Amen.


P: Say Katawan so wala komun ed sikayo.
K: Ontan met ed sika.
P: Itangwa yo ray kapusoan yo.
K: Intangwa mi la rad Katawan.
P: Misalamat tayod Dios a Katawan tayo.
K: Matunong so misalamat tan mangirayew ed Sikato.
P: Ama………………………..


A: Santo, Santo, Santon Katawan; Dios a makapanyarin amin. Napnoy tawen tan dalin na galang Mo. Hosana ed sankatageyan. Nagalang so onsabid ngaray Katawan. Hosana ed Sankatageyan.

P: Katawan a Jesukristo,…………..Gawa yo ya a pakanunnunutan ed Siak.

P: Ibeliaw tayo so misterio na pananisia:
A: Inatey si Kristo
Inmolid bilay si Kristo
Onpawil dia si Kristo.

Lapud inpatey Mo, tinalo mi patey
Lapud inkiolim, ilaloan mi onulid bilay
Katawan a Hesus, onakseb Kan magalang.

No kanen mi yan tinapay tan oninum
kami ed sayan kupa, ibeliaw mi inpatey
Mo anggad onakseb Kan magalang.

Katawan, lapud Krus Mo tan inkiolim,
inlaban Mo kami. Sika so Manangilaban
na talba.

P: Diad panamegley nen Kristo, kaiba toy Kristo, diad si Kristo, diad pankakasakey na Ispiritu Santo, amin a kagalangan tan dayew so walad sika, Dios Aman makapanyarin amin, diad ando lan ando.
K: Amen.



P: Onung ed bilin tan bangat na Katawan dasalen tayon sitatalek so “Ama Mi”

A: Ama mi a wala ed tawen, nagalang so ngaran Mo. Onsabid sikami panarian Mo, onorey linawam diad dalin a onung ed tawen. Say kanen min inagew-agew, iter mod sikamid agew aya. Tan pandien Mo ray utang mi, onung na panamaandi mi ed saray akautang ed sikami. Tan ag mo kami iter ya onabuloy ed tukso. Ilaban Mo kami ingen ed mauges.

P: Ilaban Mo kami Katawan ed ganaganay maoges tan itdan mo kami pay kareenan diad sayan panaon mi. Diad panangasim ipaliis mo kami pad kasalanan tan gunigon, leneg min aalagaren diad magayagan ilalo so isabi na Manangilaban min si Jesu-Cristo.
K: Ta kayarian Mo so panarian, pakapanyari tan galang ed ando lan ando.


P: Katawan a Jesukristo imbagam ed saray apostol mo: Kareenan so itilak kod sikayo, say kareenan koy iter kod sikayo. Ag mo pa iimanoen iray kasalanan mi, no ag ingen say pananisia na Simbaan mo, tan iter mod pad sikamiy kareenan tan pankakasakey na panraian mo a diman ka manbibilay ed ando lan ando.
K: Amen.
P: Say kareenan na Katawan so walad sikayo komun lawas.
K: Ontan met ed sika.
P: Maniiteran itayoy tanday kareenan.


A: Korderoy Dios ya manamaandi kasalanay mundo, kasian Mo kami. Korderoy Dios ya manamaandi kasalanay mundo, kasian Mo kami. Korderoy Dios ya manamaandi kasalanay mundo, itdan Mo kami kareeenan.


P: Nia so Corderoy Dios ya manamaandi kasalanay mundo, mapalar iray atawag ed pandem To.
K: Katawan ag ak onkanan mangakod Sika, balet diad sakey labat lan salitam onabig ak.


P: Mikasi itayo…..
K: Amen.


P: Say Katawan so wala komun ed sikayo.
K: Ontan met ed sika.
P: Bendicionan kayo komuy Dios a makapanyarin amin: Say Ama, tan say Anak (+) tan say Espiritu Santo.
K: Amen.
P: Asumpal lay Misa, laka yod kareenan nen Kristo.
K: Salamat ed Dios.