Friday, March 21, 2014

"Meet-the-Parents" Invocation (Pre-Baccalaureate Mass)

Meet-the-Parents Invocation

Ever-loving Father / we give you our praises and gratitude / as we celebrate this splendid day / with our parents / guardians / teachers / relatives and friends. // Thank You for giving us our parents, / who worked hard to give us the education / we need much these times / and who loved us all along. / Thank You for giving us our guardians, / who also nurtured us / and never failed to care for us. Thank You, Father, / for our teachers, / who, / in spite of our imperfections, / molded us, / prepared us, / and corrected us. / Thank you, too, for our relatives and friends, / who stayed with us / through tough / and trying times.

Dear Jesus, / through Your Passion, / You have taught us how to suffer. / And in suffering, / we share the Love / which Your Sacred Heart possesses, / though at times, / we fail to recognize its role / in fortification of our charity. / Through Your Death and Resurrection, / You have taught us, / amidst failures, / how to become victorious. / And in victory, / we share the joy / which Your Holy Gospel brings to the world. / We pray, / O our Jesus, / for Your mercy, / for all the times we have not made good use / of the talents and the faculties / You have given us.

O Holy Spirit, / our Lord, / it was Your own perseverance / that made us persevere, / and Your own strength / that made us strong. / You have comforted us / in times of trials and distress. / And You made us see the importance / of discipline and determination, / now more than ever.

We wish to love You, / O Holy Triune God. / We wish to offer You our lives / and what lies ahead of us. / We entrust to you ourselves, / our work and profession, / and our dealings with our fellow men. / May we sanctify what we do, / and see You in our everyday lives. / And now, / as we become baccalaureates, / take this Exit Walk through the Arch of the Centuries, / and face even greater challenges, / may we be witnesses to the world: / may we be mouths / to speak the Living Word of God to others, / be hands / to do the Work of God / wherever we may be in, / and be hearts / to impart the Christian virtues / we learned in this Catholic institution. / For all of these, / we ask for your grace and protection, / in the mighty Name of Jesus, / our Lord, / our God. / Amen.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit…

UST Faculty of Engineering
Meet-the-Parents Activity 
March 21, 2014

UST Quadricentennial Pavillion Covered Court